Power of W: 3Cs – Conscious Presence, Connection and Contribution

Power of W: 3Cs Conscious Presence, Connection and Contribution

In my book Power of W: Women Thriving in Their Third Act, the 3Cs form the central themes to living a fulfilled, meaningful and joyful life experiencing and expressing of unique gifts and talents, living in greater alignment with your Authentic Self.
Conscious Presence – is about living in the present moment rather than being stuck in the past or running off into the future. Make each moment matter.
Connection – all our relationships in our life – from the closest to the greater community.
Contribution – sharing with others and our legacy. Sharing our uniqueness.

Living from this space of the True Self we experience life more wholly; we can achieve more in a relaxed way; and we interact with others in more meaningful, considered, and loving ways. living from this space means that we continue to grow and evolve.