Who Are You After You Retire?
Who Am I after I retire?
Approaching and stepping into retirement is a major transition in anyone’s life. Many people place a heavy emphasis leaning towards the financial aspects of retirement. The significant question they pose to themselves is whether their pension pot is sufficient to sustain them post their retirement. While this question is valid and worthy of major consideration and exploration to seek out at what age someone might decide to retire it is not the sole serious question which needs addressing.
I recently came across the Retirement Life’s report ‘Retirement in Ireland 2022’. This report highlighted the major concerns that employees had surrounding retirement. Of the six categories identified being financially secure rated 50%. The second highest major concern at 20% was ‘loss of identity and self-worth’. This overtook health issues at 14%.
‘Loss of identity and self-worth’ belief is something that needs to be addressed. While people may be financially secure be for retirement a significant cohort are not necessarily psychological ready, prepared and/or secure about taking the retirement step.
For us to thrive in our ‘Third Act’, it is essential that we Know Who We Are in life and more importantly at our core. It may be helpful to remember that:
- The past does not determine the future.
- We have choice, that we can, with awareness make conscious choices.
- These choices will greatly influence our living in this Third Act when they are accompanied by congruent supporting actions which resonate with them.
- We have made spectacular advances in sciences, medicine, and technology in our planet to name but a few. However, in this time that we are living in now our greatest discoveries will focus on an inward journey to ourselves.
- Knowing who we are involves us connecting with our True Self – understanding and experiencing that we are immense beings that we are a unique part of divinity. We are the co-creators of our life.
The focus now is back to us. We have a real chance to reflect and review our life to-date and then choice how we desire to experience of life from here. We can live life with Passion, Power, and Purpose from the best and highest version of ourselves.