Block Busters
Block Busters
Energy is all there is on this planet. Energy loves to flow. We are all made of energy – each one of us is creative energy.
Blocks only exist when we have forgotten who we really are. All that is required of us when we are in this apparent, lost state, is to consciously reconnect with the creative energy within us and all around us.
In life there are only two emotional states – Love and Fear.
When we are in the “Love” state, and I am not talking about the romantic variety in this article, our energy is expansive with creativity flowing freely. The flipside on the emotional coin is when we experience blocks, our energy is that of “Fear.”
Our ego lives in this fear-based state. The strange thing is that the ego is doing its job. It only wants to keep us safe and secure – just to survive. So, it prefers to keep the status quo – the familiar and the unknown is certainly not an option. In a strange way it is trying to help us. Its program or set of instructions were established and relevant back in time when we were so much younger. These related to surviving a specific event which triggered its action. Today when it feels a “threaten” situation this familiar defence mechanism continues to be triggered.
As an adult this “survival” state, is limiting. It is now outmoded, no longer relevant as we have lived and survived the particular incident. However, there is the constant pull back in the present to only operate in a safe, survival mode. It has been doing this quite successfully for many years. It is subtle and can crop up in many different guises but all in the name of survival. Its role will be redundant if we were to change and break free. This change will lead to the death of the ego. So, as we move out towards our desires for full creative expression, for example, we take a few steps forward only to the pulled back. This could be likened to a rubber band effect there is a stretching of the rubber band with our moving away from stuck-ness, creating a tension, then the sudden force exerted results in being pulled back again. We want to move forward to our goals, but we get pulled back by egoic fear. The ego is threatened with its own its life.
The typical messages that the ego feeds us with are.
“I am not good enough.”
“I am not worthy.”
“I am not capable.”
“I am not significant.”
“I am not perfect.”
Just check in with your body once you notice any of these statements cropping up in your thoughts. Your body will feel tight, constricted and certainly not free.
Decide what of these states love or fear do you desire. Consciously make a choice. Let us hope that we choose love. Stating stuck in fear-based means only one thing that we are denying our creative expression to flow. We need to take the jump, the leap to choose that of love, creativity.
A useful equation that I use when talking about change is as follows –
Only when the pain of staying as is ( where you are now) is greater than the pain of change will you make a change.
So, the question I pose is what advantage it there, or what are the reasons for staying in the current reality (the stuck state). It might be beneficial to make a list of the payoff because there has to be something there in it for staying stuck. These could be “negative “ reasons but they all count. So go ahead and make that list.
You might like to try out this exercise.
“I choose love – I chose creativity, and the full expression of my creative genius.” (i.e. this is your creative breath).
Close your Eyes.
Go into this feeling of being in flow with your creativity. Go fully and deeply into this feeling. Imagine yourself in a situation where this is happening. Experience this situation with all your senses. Make it as emotionally rich as possible.
What is going on, what is the situation or occasion, who is there, what are they saying, what does the environment feel like, how are you feeling. Just feel it with all your being.
Examples – your book launch, a radio interview, guest appearance on TV etc.
When you are ready open your eyes. Write about what you experienced in that visualisation.
Continue to write every day for a week or so seeing what comes up. Then move back and pick up with your writing project.
Connect to your creative energy.
“ Our creative dreams and yearnings come from a divine source. As we move toward to our dreams, we move towards our divinity.”
Julia Cameron, The Artists Way
In closing, we are creative energy, our book is also creative energy. Our book is calling us to write it. Our responsibility is to rise to this challenge.
Ann McGarry
Human Development Trainer, Coach and Author
25th August 2024